Firefly's Featured Coders!
Empowering children to create technology, not consume it.
Trisha S.
Trisha is a fantastic coder! She has completed Firefly's Scratch Summer Camp, Python 1 and 2 Courses, and is currently enrolled in Python 3! She has built games, art, simulations, and more! Recently, she was able to skip FIVE grade levels of Computer Science classes at her school because of her hard work and dedication.
Trisha 1 of 2 (1)
Trisha 2 of 2 (1)
Tanisha and Shivangi S.
Tanisha and Shivangi have completed Firefly's Scratch Summer Camp, Python 1, and Python 2, and are currently enrolled in Python 3. They have coded some brilliant and extraordinarily creative graphical and text-based simulations, art, and games.
Ben A.
Ben has completed Firefly's Python Summer Camp. He has coded over a dozen different Python projects, from conditionals driven "Create your own Adventure" games, to art and simulations, to GUI based games. Way to go, Ben!
Ben E.
Ben has also completed Firefly's Python 1 and 2 courses, and is continuing complex game creation through our Python 3: Advanced Game Programming course! He's partnered with his friends from Firefly to begin creation of his own game - an incredibly creative project with cool monsters and complex gameplay. Way to go, Ben!
Tommy M.
Tommy has completed Firefly's Python 1 and 2 courses, and is continuing complex game creation through our Python 3: Advanced Game Programming course! He's partnered with his friends from Firefly to begin creation of his own game - an incredibly creative project with cool monsters and complex gameplay. Way to go, Tommy!
Tommy A.
Tommy has completed Firefly's Scratch 1 and 2 courses! Through the course of these classes, he's built outstanding games, with uniquely original characters, customized game scenes, and even conditional code driven level changes! Great job, Tommy!
Rishi S.
Rishi has completed Firefly's Scratch Summer Camp, and Scratch 1 and 2 courses, and is continuing complex game creation through our Advanced Scratch Programming course! He's even used his skills and talent to build projects outside of class, the latest of which is utilizing his coding skills to learn how to build games in Roblox!
Sebastian E.
Sebastian has completed Firefly's Python 1course, and has started Python 2: Game Building! Through the course of these classes, he's built beautiful art, coded games with custom gameplay - both visual and text-based, and even a randomized graphics creator in which the computer designs its own (incredible) abstract and symmetrical geometric patterns!